
I don't want them to grow up too quickly and miss what being young and carefree is all about.
I want them to enjoy it all. But being their mom, I want to be part of their enjoyment too...So far so good.
My other children- the Nova Scotia Duck Tolling Retrievers

Monday, 13 June 2011

 Wylye Girl has very kindly Liebsterd me. Yes, I am small with less then 100 followers but I am happy to just type away  and share what and when I can. Smiles all around.

So, who to pass it on to???

From My Kitchen Table, an Irish blog. I love her kitchen table and like to pop by her blog.

Knitting Not Necessary, a fellow knitter and who doesn't like to keep their hands busy.

There are Cuckoos in my Nest, is always a pretty read.

I pop by but don't always comment, sorry.

1 comment:

  1. Thank you so much - Ive been a bit absent lately in every way possible. I also do the popping and not much commenting.
