
I don't want them to grow up too quickly and miss what being young and carefree is all about.
I want them to enjoy it all. But being their mom, I want to be part of their enjoyment too...So far so good.
My other children- the Nova Scotia Duck Tolling Retrievers

Tuesday, 25 October 2011

A Useful Day

So now that it's half term, I seem to be doing useless and useful jobs that involve the chicks. 
I've done plenty of baking and cooking already and it's only Tuesday. A bit useless for me, I really don't need the extra calories. And I have done about a ton and a half of laundry. I think I have even done some that was previously cleaned that the boy knocked over in his room and just threw back down the stairs! All pretty useless stuff as I am getting board with it.

The useful stuff all seemed to happen today though. Having woken up the chicks and rolled them into the car at a reasonable 9:30am, we were parked an on the high street by 10am. Banking and mobile phones all sorted by half past and I was in Starbucks with an extra hot chi tea latte not long after that! A bit of Rooster birthday shopping, his birthday is on Halloween, How cool is that to grow up with! And then off to Pound Land to buy batteries, Halloween nonsense and nothing else  in particular. 
By the time we drove into the driveway, the septic tank was emptied which was a really useful job. Except there was still a block near the tank that involved me and 13 black plastic rods and heavy gloves. But, sorted and again, a really useful job.I have learned to do some really ugly jobs since moving into this house. So after a very hot and long shower, I answered the door to the Chimney Sweep who finished a job early and was in the neighbourhood, could he come today instead of next week? Sure, and another really useful job sorted!

We only have one chimney but granted, it is four stories high and at the bottom is a large wood burner. That is what is getting sorted today. My daughter, bless, walked into the room after the Sweeper had opened up the top of the wood burner but had gone back out to his van, and looked into the top of the stove then with all honesty, asked how the man was going to fit up into that small hole in the top of the wood burner to clean it?
We live in the country and she knows that milk comes from cows and that the inside of a good pair of Ugg boots is fleece from a sheep but this baffled her. I told her the Chimney Sweep had a very small boy that he used to get up the hole. Thank god she didn't believe that but even with the industrial size vac in our hall way, she still didn't quite get it. Anyway, until she has a house of her own with a working chimney, she doesn't really need to know the ins and outs of how it gets cleaned. I'll save that mystery for her for another day.

1 comment:

  1. Now you're prepared for many roaring fires this winter. I'm jealous. The one thing I miss the most is the working fireplace in our Brooklyn home. We have a fireplace with a fancy marble mantle but fake glowing logs. Just ain't the same. I'm officially envious.
